3 SEO Tune-Ups for Your Website

An integrated SEO strategy incorporates diverse tactics that can dramatically improve website visibility, traffic, and conversions. Learn what you need to drive greater value from your most powerful marketing asset.

An integrated mix of tactics supports an SEO strategy to accelerate your marketing and sales initiatives.

Over the course of one year, a provider of quality intelligence software reduced the amount it was spending on paid conversions by 56%—saving over half a million dollars in 12 months—but still increased conversions by 34%. How is that possible?

It’s not a mystery. The company applied an integrated SEO strategy to create a significant increase in organic traffic.

Integrated SEO delivers real results—and real money for companies.

Today, marketers are seeing significant value in SEO. It’s one of the most cost-effective methods for increasing organic site traffic and improving customer engagement, conversions, and ultimately, sales wins. But a shotgun approach doesn’t work.

In the free ebook 3 SEO Tune-Ups for Your Website, you’ll learn—

  • How focusing on a well-rounded SEO approach helps you fulfill visitor expectations and increase the value of your website

  • The three key tactical areas essential to an integrated SEO program

  • What elements to keep top of mind as you build your integrated SEO program

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Refactored is a nationally recognized leader in developing and deploying effective B2B marketing solutions.

"This ebook provides a deep dive into SEO as a cost-effective foundation for your digital marketing programs. Explore the tactics that drive results—like the half-million-dollar savings documented by our client, InfinityQS. We think you’ll find the information in these pages is worth your time. ”

Rob Bean, Partner & Marketing Strategist, Refactored