According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a remarkable 27% of Americans have a disability that makes it difficult to access online information.
For associations and businesses that depend on their website as a primary source of engagement, connection, and value, making your website content accessible to all visitors is essential.
Many organizations mistake website accessibility for compliance with standards or mandates; it’s more than that. Accessibility is about creating a truly inclusive experience that empowers members to partake in your mission, engage with your teams, and make the most of the solutions and benefits your organization offers.
So, how do you build an inclusive website? What does it look like? What hurdles stand in the way of achieving even the most basic level of accessibility standards? And most important: How can you ensure that your site remains inclusive as the needs of your customers and members evolve?
As you might expect, the answer isn’t simple. But with a few purpose-built tools and a plan for continuous improvement, you can create a site that welcomes more visitors—and empowers engagement and conversions from more of your target audience.
Let’s look at a pathway to true website inclusivity.