Of all the marketing content you produce, thought leadership content is an unparalleled differentiator. It enables you to tell the stories that no other organization can tell, deliver knowledge that no other competitor has, and bring a perspective that no other person can have.
The challenge, of course, is getting your audience to engage—especially with complex topics. Not because they don’t care…but because there are thousands of other pieces of content competing for their attention.
This is where video really shines.
That was one of the first of many revelations that solidified the direction of Teachers Talking Teaching, a video series that celebrates and elevates the work of teachers. Tracey Bean and Dr. Traci Gile, the show’s hosts, have partnered with Refactored to produce two full seasons of in-depth, conversational interviews with professional educators at a steady pace of two episodes per month.
Recently, they took time out to talk with us about what that process looks like, what they’ve learned, and what other organizations should consider as they launch their own vlogging effort.